Friday, June 5, 2009

I don't know and I don't have to.

So I am home for the summer. It is refreshing not to have to worry about rent and class and feeding myself and all of those pesky responsibilities. There are however those pesky comments of "what are you up to these days?" The response may as well be an automated machine..."if you'd like to know Camille's major press 1, if you'd like to know her relationship status press 2, if you'd like to know what she is going to do with a degree in anthropology press 3, if you'd like to know why as a 21 year old she is neither married nor on a mission yet press 4...I have the responses down pat. As I having been thinking about the future and all of these false pretenses I have set myself I came to a conclusion. I have no idea what the future holds and that my friends is glorious.