Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Long Time no Blog...

Today was an excellent day. It was a beautiful 65 degrees. Now that may not seem so grand to all of you who are blessed enough to live in a place with wimpy winters but winters in Utah are by no means mild or wimpy in my mind. However today I was pleasantly surprised to walk outside and not be freezing. I only had a sweatshirt on and it was glorious. There was a light breeze but just enough to be refreshing and not freezing. I had a phenomenal lesson in my Book of Mormon class...I love my teacher, work was good, my biological anthropology test was easier than I thought it was going to be, and the sun was shining which just made anything bad seem small and irrelevant. Life has been frustrating as of late but today the sun seemed to be my angel, Heavenly Father's way of telling me it would all work out and to stop worrying and enjoy the sunshine. I love the sunshine.